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Take the work out of work

“We need to create work environments that are as immersive and involving as the best video games.”

Human beings are most productive when work feels like play. Enthusiasm, imagination and resourcefulness—the critical ingredients for success in the creative economy—get unleashed when people are having fun. In the future, the most successful organizations will be the ones that have figured out how to blur the boundary between vocation and avocation. Among other things, this will require organizations to better align personal interests and professional responsibilities, to take the drudgery out of work, and to grant employees more control over what they work on.

46 Stories
95 Hacks
4 Barriers

Take the work out of work

“We need to create work environments that are as immersive and involving as the best video games.”

Human beings are most productive when work feels like play. Enthusiasm, imagination and resourcefulness—the critical ingredients for success in the creative economy—get unleashed when people are having fun. In the future, the most successful organizations will be the ones that have figured out how to blur the boundary between vocation and avocation. Among other things, this will require organizations to better align personal interests and professional responsibilities, to take the drudgery out of work, and to grant employees more control over what they work on.

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Retire-a-Little is a program that gives employees the chance to buy back one day a week so they can spend that time on other activities that are important to them.
Hack by Ricardo Semler on December 22, 2011
Create a public event series where organisations can safely experiment with future of work concepts and crowd source solutions to meaningful problems with the community 
Hack by Simon Waller on January 17, 2011
Too many people in our lives believe that we all work to maintain a lifestyle outside of work. We go on about the work/life balance yet very few manage to find that happy medium.
Hack by Chris Cunningham on December 15, 2011
Corporate should empower the potential of Human Resources by treating them as Internal Customers. The value proposition must be of equal mix between Clients & Employees.
Hack by H. Omprakash on March 11, 2014
The last thing Wall Street analysts and investors are thinking about is "feelings."  Too bad, because all economic activity boils down to the back-and-forth exchange of rewarding feelings. &
Hack by Paul Herr on August 6, 2010
Work toward a team of employees who develop their own goals and objectives that are in-line with corporate goals and based on their passions, likes, interests and job.
Hack by Robin Deacle on April 24, 2012
Dear Warden,Believe it or not the gang wants to be here. They want to create value for their family, company, community and world. Put aside your fear, remove the chains and support the gang by:1.
Hack by lucas ross on December 7, 2013
In today's competitive world, the option for low performers are very less and they are forced to do their job or quit the job.Is there something problem in their attitude / capability / understanding
Hack by H. Omprakash on March 14, 2014
So, you've decided that experimentation is the path to innovation.
Hack by Laura Cerruti on September 18, 2010
If information is viewed as a commodity that is worked with in business, then the nature of information dictates that it be treated completely differently than how one would work with other commoditie
Hack by George Kobak on January 5, 2015
