It's time to reinvent management. You can help.


Stories, Hacks, & Barriers

Groundbreaking ideas and practices from Deborah Mills-Scofield
Enlist a small group of employees to volunteer in an external, community-related project to demonstrate how collaboration and community can solve real world problems for individual and organizational
Enlist a small group of employees to volunteer in an external, community-related project to demonstrate how collaboration and community can solve real world problems for individual and organizational
CoP's are "a group of people organized for a specific purpose around a shared set of values; who collectively care deeply about the purpose, adhere to the shared values and are selfless in their pursu
Co-Authored By Alex Perwich
I propose that the transformation of the 20th century into the 21st be the Age of Answers to the Age of Questions.  While answers are important, it’s more important to know what qu
We’re all finally recognizing that management and innovation are social activities – people activities.  So it has struck me as rather odd that HR is hardly mentioned in the conversation.  W

Co-authored Contributions

Work toward a team of employees who develop their own goals and objectives that are in-line with corporate goals and based on their passions, likes, interests and job.
Hack by Robin Deacle on April 24, 2012