It's time to reinvent management. You can help.

Amplify imagination

“We often wrongly assume that commodity jobs are filled with commodity people. Everyone was born with the capacity to create.”

While we know a lot about how to engender human creativity — equip people with innovation tools, allow them to set aside time for thinking, de-stigmatize failure, create opportunities for serendipitous learning — little of this knowledge has infiltrated management systems. Worse, many companies institutionalize a sort of creative apartheid. They assign the label “creative” to select individuals and roles — and tacitly (or not) relegate the rest to mundane work. Management processes must nurture innovation in every corner of the organization.

60 Stories
124 Hacks
6 Barriers

Amplify imagination

“We often wrongly assume that commodity jobs are filled with commodity people. Everyone was born with the capacity to create.”

While we know a lot about how to engender human creativity — equip people with innovation tools, allow them to set aside time for thinking, de-stigmatize failure, create opportunities for serendipitous learning — little of this knowledge has infiltrated management systems. Worse, many companies institutionalize a sort of creative apartheid. They assign the label “creative” to select individuals and roles — and tacitly (or not) relegate the rest to mundane work. Management processes must nurture innovation in every corner of the organization.

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This is the story of BIZZARTS, a concept that was born out of the conviction that art can make an important contribution to the business world, both economically and creatively.
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A former colleague at Politécnica Engineering School has a very successful career - beginning as a trainee at a big German automotive company in Brazil currently he is the CEO of the same company for
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TANDBERG breaks the engineers' monopoly on inventing by bringing its leaders, sales people, channel managers and sales engineers into "soft R&D labs." Their inventions are new "moves" that ge
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A method of solving dilemmas and problems that involves communications and iteration to reach better solutions and commitment to those solutions.
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Permission to draw fundamental distinctions between Performance Aspiration and Health Aspiration, as described throughout Beyond Performance, McKinsey & Company, represents a land
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