It's time to reinvent management. You can help.

Focus the work of management on a higher purpose

"We need companies that feel like movements."

Most companies strive to maximize shareholder wealth—a goal that is inadequate in many respects. As an emotional catalyst, wealth maximization lacks the power to fully mobilize human energies. It’s an insufficient defense when people question the legitimacy of corporate power. And it’s not specific or compelling enough to spur renewal. Individuals need a compelling answer to the question, “What’s worth my life?” And organizations must offer a compelling case for why what they do matters—an original and persuasive blueprint for where their industry could and should be going. Going forward, management practices must focus on the achievement of socially significant and noble goals.

107 Stories
164 Hacks
12 Barriers

Focus the work of management on a higher purpose

"We need companies that feel like movements."

Most companies strive to maximize shareholder wealth—a goal that is inadequate in many respects. As an emotional catalyst, wealth maximization lacks the power to fully mobilize human energies. It’s an insufficient defense when people question the legitimacy of corporate power. And it’s not specific or compelling enough to spur renewal. Individuals need a compelling answer to the question, “What’s worth my life?” And organizations must offer a compelling case for why what they do matters—an original and persuasive blueprint for where their industry could and should be going. Going forward, management practices must focus on the achievement of socially significant and noble goals.

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Engaging senior level experience in a constructive way by creating critical friends.
Hack by Mark McDonald on August 30, 2011
What do we mean by the statement: "P-CED takes the bottom line one step further: to people, past numbers" ? It begins in 1996 with the question of how the economy could better se
Story by Jeff Mowatt on July 20, 2013
It troubles me that it will only take a few hundred words to share the profound reality that leadership is inextricably tied to individual character.  Such an important subject should take volume
Hack by Phil Eastman on November 13, 2011
The internet has had a profound effect on many areas of commerce.One area the internet has not yet had a profound affect upon is how people are organized to perform work.We believe this is about to ch
Story by Jim McKeown on April 11, 2010
What does focus and obligation have to do with a first line manager’s responsibilities? Focus and obligation are the keys to a successful organization. If you can draw; you can draw a focus.
Story by Jim McGriff, Jr. on April 17, 2017
How a central London public service team morphed into a high performance dynamo, raising the number of training interventions by 621% and reducing unit costs by 79%.
Story by Tony Nelson on December 9, 2010
The status quo business model assumes that companies create products and sell them to customers.
Hack by Matt Shlosberg on October 12, 2010
