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Build "natural", flexible hierarchies

“We have to de-couple authority and influence from hierarchical position.”

As change accelerates, authoritarian power structures will become ever more untenable. In traditional hierarchies, power flows down from the top, rather than up from the bottom. This model has several unfortunate side effects. It tempts senior executives to hire in their own image, and thus reduces genetic diversity. It encourages managers to safeguard their careers by “managing up,” rather than by managing out and down. It produces frequent misalignments between positional power and leadership capability, and thereby undermines employee morale. To overcome these failings, the traditional top-down pyramid must be replaced by a “natural” hierarchy, where status and influence derive from the ability to lead rather than from the ability to accumulate positional power. In addition, hierarchies need to be dynamic, so that power flows rapidly toward those who are adding value and away from those who aren’t.

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Build "natural", flexible hierarchies

“We have to de-couple authority and influence from hierarchical position.”

As change accelerates, authoritarian power structures will become ever more untenable. In traditional hierarchies, power flows down from the top, rather than up from the bottom. This model has several unfortunate side effects. It tempts senior executives to hire in their own image, and thus reduces genetic diversity. It encourages managers to safeguard their careers by “managing up,” rather than by managing out and down. It produces frequent misalignments between positional power and leadership capability, and thereby undermines employee morale. To overcome these failings, the traditional top-down pyramid must be replaced by a “natural” hierarchy, where status and influence derive from the ability to lead rather than from the ability to accumulate positional power. In addition, hierarchies need to be dynamic, so that power flows rapidly toward those who are adding value and away from those who aren’t.

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By pooling resources through collaborative consulting, freelancers and independent professionals can make substantial gains in increasing customer value, competitiveness and their bottom lines.
Hack by Wayne Bishop on January 4, 2012
How can we be inspired by nature (on its way to manage living things, ecossystems, etc.) to solve management challenges?Nature is million years old of a harsh competitive environment.
Hack by André Ribeiro Winter on December 10, 2010
MOTIONS ; COMMOTION – EMOTION – PROMOTION - DEMOTION all co exist in all organisations.Problem: Most leaders and organizations operate in silo’s and there is no  &
Hack by NAVEEN KHAJANCHI on December 5, 2011
I propose the continuous monitoring of different informal intra-team networks and the usage of the collected data as a constant input for management decisions.
Hack by Zoltan Csigas on July 17, 2011
VUCA is a very objective description of dynamics at work.First popping out in our MIX environment back in 2010 (in a short comment by Bhaskar Deb.)For each of its 4 dimensions, no need
Hack by Frederic J.Leconte on October 21, 2017
Usually when a company speaks of leaders they are speaking of those they have hired to be leaders and not those who have rose to leadership.
Hack by tequita fowler on December 29, 2013
AAU4M stands for Agony Aunts & Uncles for Managers.
Hack by Madhusudan Rao on August 2, 2010
Just imagine 7 billion (and counting) nodes in the global village.
Hack by Guillaume Salmon on March 6, 2014
Some colleagues and I are exploring and sharing the key aspects of what it takes to be a true learning organisation - adaptable, nimble and geared towards human flourishing.
Hack by Andres Roberts on January 19, 2012
"Every act of creation, is first of all an act of destruction"- Pablo PicassoI propose a reinvention of the concept of a job role.
Hack by Sean Schofield on February 27, 2012
