It's time to reinvent management. You can help.

Focus the work of management on a higher purpose

"We need companies that feel like movements."

Most companies strive to maximize shareholder wealth—a goal that is inadequate in many respects. As an emotional catalyst, wealth maximization lacks the power to fully mobilize human energies. It’s an insufficient defense when people question the legitimacy of corporate power. And it’s not specific or compelling enough to spur renewal. Individuals need a compelling answer to the question, “What’s worth my life?” And organizations must offer a compelling case for why what they do matters—an original and persuasive blueprint for where their industry could and should be going. Going forward, management practices must focus on the achievement of socially significant and noble goals.

107 Stories
164 Hacks
12 Barriers

Focus the work of management on a higher purpose

"We need companies that feel like movements."

Most companies strive to maximize shareholder wealth—a goal that is inadequate in many respects. As an emotional catalyst, wealth maximization lacks the power to fully mobilize human energies. It’s an insufficient defense when people question the legitimacy of corporate power. And it’s not specific or compelling enough to spur renewal. Individuals need a compelling answer to the question, “What’s worth my life?” And organizations must offer a compelling case for why what they do matters—an original and persuasive blueprint for where their industry could and should be going. Going forward, management practices must focus on the achievement of socially significant and noble goals.

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As a surveyor engaged in the measurement of many school buildings and grounds, Alison Watson was inspired by the enthusiasm and curiosity demonstrated by the many children and young people she encount
Story by Alison Watson on October 5, 2010
Our basic leadership strategy today can be summarized in five words: “Do This, Don’t Do That.” And nearly every management innovation today is nothing but a variation of that fundamentally flawed stra
Hack by Aman Motwane on October 1, 2010
This is the story of an OD consulting firm founded in the Middle East.
Story by Marwa Farouq on September 30, 2010
Knowledge Management may have failed for empowerment and success but its effort is sustained today by the quest for autonomy linked to self-organization and self-drive.
Hack by Raj Kumar on September 28, 2010
Until we promote leaders through mindful transparency, unskilled bosses will continue to hold innovation hostage at the helm.
Barrier by Ellen Weber on September 25, 2010
Instead of managers occupying a level above front-line workers, why not have them work under and for them? 
Hack by Josh Harrington on September 19, 2010
If we are to focus the work of management on a higher purpose, I contend that we need to begin by adjusting our reward systems.  To obtain the highest leverage on this lofty goal, companies shoul
Hack by Stuart Thompson on September 18, 2010
