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Rethink the philosophical foundations of management

“We need more than new management practices, we need new management principles.”

It’s no longer enough just to be operationally excellent.Organizations must be adaptable, innovative, inspiring, and socially responsible. That means rebuilding the foundations of management thought and practice. Scholars and practitioners alike must search for new principles in fields as diverse as anthropology, biology, design, political science, urban planning, and theology.

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Rethink the philosophical foundations of management

“We need more than new management practices, we need new management principles.”

It’s no longer enough just to be operationally excellent.Organizations must be adaptable, innovative, inspiring, and socially responsible. That means rebuilding the foundations of management thought and practice. Scholars and practitioners alike must search for new principles in fields as diverse as anthropology, biology, design, political science, urban planning, and theology.

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Change has changed.  The nature of change itself has changed.  It has become much more like a dynamic journey on a shifting landscape.  We are supposed to be In the
Hack by Mike Richardson on October 15, 2010
Excenomics is a new global discipline that focusses on studying excellence in all its dimensions: Personal Excellence, Interpersonal excellence, Corporate Excellence, Design Excellence and Quality Sta
Leadership practices have something in common with aging rock bands that continue to headline in obscure little venues: both have passed their prime yet fail to recognize it.
Hack by Jane Perdue on October 31, 2011
It is difficult even to imagine truly dramatic innovation in management until we develop a different concept of the organization.
Hack by Michelle Holliday on January 7, 2011
Knowledge Management may have failed for empowerment and success but its effort is sustained today by the quest for autonomy linked to self-organization and self-drive.
Hack by Raj Kumar on September 28, 2010
My innovation audit produced outcomes that people did not want to hear. Come with me on the journey that positively creates a framework/vision to take my organisation forward.&n
Hack by David Nolan on December 23, 2010
Our current leadership paradigm divides people into two groups: leaders and followers.
Hack by David Marquet on December 9, 2011
