It's time to reinvent management. You can help.

Expand the scope of employee autonomy

“Companies must radically reduce the number of permissions that are required to start something new.”

Too many people in organizations feel powerless to initiate change. Rigid policy guidelines, tight spending limits, and a lack of self-directed time limit individual autonomy and undermine the organization’s capacity to renew itself. Companies must redesign management systems so they facilitate local experimentation and bottom-up initiatives.

54 Stories
98 Hacks
3 Barriers

Expand the scope of employee autonomy

“Companies must radically reduce the number of permissions that are required to start something new.”

Too many people in organizations feel powerless to initiate change. Rigid policy guidelines, tight spending limits, and a lack of self-directed time limit individual autonomy and undermine the organization’s capacity to renew itself. Companies must redesign management systems so they facilitate local experimentation and bottom-up initiatives.

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Is there a perfect world where employees won't have to leave their current employment for new challenges?
Hack by David Wayne Tikao on February 21, 2014
Workers often find themselves too bound by deadlines and project expectations to have time to collaborate on cool, interesting, but less "high priority" ideas.
Hack by Vijay Karunamurthy on September 20, 2010
Work toward a team of employees who develop their own goals and objectives that are in-line with corporate goals and based on their passions, likes, interests and job.
Hack by Robin Deacle on April 24, 2012
Human Capital is source of Agility and an important resource to gain competitive advantage for any organization.
Hack by Sasidhar Ravinuthala on January 20, 2011
Modern management systems need to harness web technology to provide a real time interactive platform to harmonise team objectives and priorities.
Hack by Heather Kingsley on July 18, 2011
Not new, but simple, cost-effective, underutilized.  Spans industries, levels of work, sectors.  Think "sandbox" (nod to former mentor): Within clear constraints of quality, quantity, time,
Hack by Mary Ann Lesperance on December 4, 2013
An exploration of the question: can large corporations really act like start-ups or get close to that?
Hack by Angelique Plugge on April 25, 2016
Across my work life, I often find myself in a situation of managing a fairly young team and trying to draw my team out and getting them to step forward to lead.
Story by Wynthia Goh on June 6, 2013
A hack illustrated through the context of health care company, Praetorian Rx, and its strange experimental design.
Hack by K. Lanier on March 8, 2014
How often did I hear managers tell me that the way they had to behave did not reflect who they were any longer, their behaviour was dictated by the system they were in, it was coming from the top down
Hack by Olivier Lavergne on December 1, 2010
