It's time to reinvent management. You can help.


"My Customer" is the platform Best Buy created to unleash and amplify the powerful voice of its 100,000+ frontline employees to share what they heard or learned from daily interactions with
Story by Steve Wallin on July 14, 2011
The Deliberatorium is a software tool designed to help organizations better harvest the knowledge and incorporate the perspectives of their members to identify solutions for complex problems, avoiding
Hack by Mark Klein on June 30, 2011
The Living Intelligence System (LIS) is an alpha project within the United States Intelligence Community (IC) aimed at transforming the vertical agency-proprietary reporting and analysis process (fini
Hack by Chris Rasmussen on July 18, 2011
This post originally appeared in Tim O'Reilly's Google+ feed and on O'Reilly Radar . This tweet by Steve Case ( @stevecase ) struck home for me, because in the aftermath of Steve Jobs' death I've been thinking a lot about O'Reilly, wanting to make sure that we streamline and focus on the stuff that...
Blog by Tim O'Reilly on October 26, 2011
In an era when recruiting and training more closely resemble “speed dating” than traditional apprenticeship, world-leading ophthalmic lenses manufacturer Essilor International pioneered th
Story by Frederic J.Leconte on May 27, 2011
Imagine a room filled with 100 people like you. Everyone knows a little something about a little something. Now let’s say 25 of those people are given a question to answer.
Dell's marketing and communications organizations rely more and more on social media and community (SMaC), with some people blogging on internal or external sites, others developing community-focused
Hack by Bill Johnston on October 22, 2010
The “green” movement continues to increase in reach and scope, increasing numbers of consumers and businesses are placing a greater emphasis on developing strategies that will reach across the entire
Story by John Baldzicki on May 11, 2012
