It's time to reinvent management. You can help.

Amplify imagination

“We often wrongly assume that commodity jobs are filled with commodity people. Everyone was born with the capacity to create.”

While we know a lot about how to engender human creativity — equip people with innovation tools, allow them to set aside time for thinking, de-stigmatize failure, create opportunities for serendipitous learning — little of this knowledge has infiltrated management systems. Worse, many companies institutionalize a sort of creative apartheid. They assign the label “creative” to select individuals and roles — and tacitly (or not) relegate the rest to mundane work. Management processes must nurture innovation in every corner of the organization.

60 Stories
124 Hacks
6 Barriers

Amplify imagination

“We often wrongly assume that commodity jobs are filled with commodity people. Everyone was born with the capacity to create.”

While we know a lot about how to engender human creativity — equip people with innovation tools, allow them to set aside time for thinking, de-stigmatize failure, create opportunities for serendipitous learning — little of this knowledge has infiltrated management systems. Worse, many companies institutionalize a sort of creative apartheid. They assign the label “creative” to select individuals and roles — and tacitly (or not) relegate the rest to mundane work. Management processes must nurture innovation in every corner of the organization.

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Few companies organize to cross multiple lanes including Highly Occupîed Vehicle ones to re-invent themselves.Note : if you have  feeling of "Deja Vu", like popular social posts mu
Story by Frederic J.Leconte on December 8, 2012
Co-Authored By Audrey D.
The Bay Area Social Impact Collaboration Zone (BASIC-Z) solves community challenges by gathering ideas from many disparate sources and puts the best ones into practice. The goal is for a diversit
Hack by Bobby Fishkin on May 11, 2012
Faced with the challenge of encouraging growth in its smaller, regional brands, one large global organization creates a virtual network of innovators worldwide
Story by Peter Robbins on July 11, 2010
Corporate culture, much like its social sibling, usually frowns upon employee fatigue and mid-day sleeping which is directly responsible for staff becoming unproductive.
Hack by Jerann Naidu on May 4, 2011
Even if companies officially ask their workforce to be a driver of innovation, they seldom act accordingly and rather punish "out-of-the-box" actions.
Hack by Ile Tovaglieri on January 9, 2011
Atmospheric visualization opens the mind and broadens the perspective by employing sketches which are made during the meeting or workshop.
Hack by Erwin Pfuhler on December 12, 2011
Managers in similar roles in a number of companies—for instance, Brand Executives in three non-competing enterprises—would be working for six months in each of these companies by rotation.
Hack by Mohammad Oli Ahad on July 17, 2011
Once upon a time there was a successful leader. He had an important role in the management of a huge fair.
Story by Bernhard Sterchi on November 1, 2016
Re-architecting the structure of the new age organization as a collection of autonomous cells, each performing a specialist service, bound together by the melody of a common purpose.
Hack by Neetan Chopra on June 23, 2011
It’s easy to get caught up in what we think needs to be done, today, and always putting future projects on the back burner. When we do this, though, we typically never get to those projects.
Hack by Marton Jojarth on October 8, 2015
