Every Public Sector organisation across the world is facing some challenges caused by the current economic state, which means that - as part of wider organisational considerations such as property ass
Lack of organisational commitment to openness and transparency often leads to organisations recreating - at high cost - solutions which can be accessed for free.
Traditionally HR has pushed their service to the business rather than thinking like an entrepreneur and promoting their strengths to invite more of a pull into the business on the request of self-dire
Retention of people who think differently is tricky in traditional-thinking organisations where traditional-thinking managers continuously recruit into their own image.
Community Building 2.0 is a new core practice within companies to exploit the diversity of passion and pride among the current employees to create organizations that are deserving of their passion and
Deming and others showed that when you look at the performance of an organisation (however you measure performance), about 85% to 95% (one can argue pointlessly about the precise figure but the scale