I was delighted to catch up recently with one of my teachers, and found her as passionate about educating children today as she was three decades ago, when I was in school. We had a great conversation, but I must admit to a sense of disquiet as I heard her opinions about the next generation. Gen Y'...
Most of the industrial pioneers who created “modern” management—individuals like Frederick Taylor, Frank Gilbreth, Henry Ford, Alfred Sloan, and Donaldson Brown—were born in the 19th century. These bold thinkers would no doubt be surprised to learn that their inventions, which included workflow...
Organizations that thrive over the long run, in good times and bad, pay explicit attention to all these issues. Three of them, though, seem particularly crucial as we think about new challenges confronting us today.
Editor's Note: Ross Smith has worked in every corner of the software industry for over 20 years and is currently a Director of Test at Microsoft. You can read his M-Prize-winning STORY Organizational Trust: 42projects . In 1855, Robert Browning published a poem about the Italian Renaissance painter...
Too many organizations are operating with a terminally creaky design for unleashing human potential, says Dan Pink, author of Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us. Our newest MIX Maverick, Pink describes what's wrong with how we think about what makes people tick—and how to rethink what helps them soar.
MIX Maverick Daniel Pink describes why it's so hard to make the transition from old-school control to new-age engagement—and how the most progressive organizations make the shift.
This Story portrays how an electricity distributor, located in the poorest region of Brazil, generate incremental innovations on a large scale, increasing the gain value and purpose of doing good for
On Wednesday February 9 th at 1PM Eastern (tomorrow!) all MIX members are invited to attend a webinar discussion between Gary Hamel and the HCI Human Capital M-Prize semifinalists. The semifinalists will share a short summary of their idea or story, and Gary will give feedback on developing each...
Work can be fun. But until now there has been no systematic way to make it so. We analysed people’s motivation and built a taxonomy of 21 types of fun.