Last night at the Human Capital Institute Summit in Atlanta, the MIX team announced the winners of the first Human Capital M-Prize. We are delighted to share them with you: Lisa Haneberg (Grand Prize) for her HACK Start with a better question to create a better talent management system: the Talent...
A 163yr old privately held 7th generation 19th & 20th Century industrial “brown box” packaging company transforms itself into a 21st Century Consumer and Design focused company by inno
What do kids know about creating a company anyway? Well, 3 24-yr old Brown University ('08) grads didn't know how to do it the "right" way, so they did it their way.
In a WSJ post I promised that I’d lay out a blueprint for building a company that’s as nimble as change itself—and I will, but first I’d like to share an anecdote about a simple experiment in workplace freedom. In most organizations, the decision-making freedoms of frontline employees are highly...
We're at the end of an eight-year period, which was marked in the beginning by the demise of Enron and marked at the end by the demise of Lehman Brothers. During that near decade, the quasi-religious mantra of business was shareholder value: Focus on performance and on performance alone. That's...
Inspired by Gary Hamel's "The Future of Management", I facilitated the transformation of one of my company's business units from a 20th century hierarchical
One of the most interesting themes of MIX content in the year since we launched has been the role of technology in management innovation, especially social networks. Mavericks and MIXers alike have made made the argument that the effects of Web 2.0 technologies on the organization and the people in...
Twenty-first century companies are in great need of innovative leaders. They need men and women who know how to put new ideas to work effectively and responsibly in every corner of their organizations. They need people who will define what's next in our markets and societies. But that doesn't mean...