It's time to reinvent management. You can help.


We’re delighted to announce the semifinalists for the Management 2.0 Challenge . In this first leg of the HBR/McKinsey M-Prize for Management Innovation, we asked the most progressive thinkers and radical doers from every realm of endeavor to share a Story (a real-world case study of a single practice, an initiative, or a broad-based transformation) or a Hack (a disruptive idea, radical fix, or experimental design) that illustrates how the principles and tools of the Web can help to overcome the limits of conventional management and help to create Management 2.0.
Blog by Polly LaBarre on July 27, 2011
We're at the end of an eight-year period, which was marked in the beginning by the demise of Enron and marked at the end by the demise of Lehman Brothers. During that near decade, the quasi-religious mantra of business was shareholder value: Focus on performance and on performance alone. That's...
Blog by Colin Price on December 14, 2010
The stats are just awful: while women account for more than half the college graduates and more than half the PhDs, we make up less than 20% of top management in almost every industry you look at. Now draw a circle and estimate three percent of it. That is the percentage of CEOs who were women in...
Blog by Joanna Barsh on June 23, 2010
This is the third in a series of posts adapted from Scott Keller & Colin Price's new book, Beyond Performance: How Great Organizations Build Ultimate Competitive Advantage . The first post described two counter-intuitive insights about creating lasting change in organizations -- that common...
Editor's note: Research by McKinsey & Company's Organization Practice finds that better collaborative capabilities help companies achieve superior financial performance. These results are supported by academic research, which shows that the ability to collaborate in networks is more important...
Blog by Leigh Weiss on January 26, 2011
Editor’s note: Why are managers so often short sighted at the expense of the long-term health and value of their companies? One reason is that compensation and incentive systems are too often geared to the short term. These incentives can skew our perspective of the bigger picture. Indeed, research...
Blog by McKinsey & Company on March 19, 2011
Over the last decade, the Internet has had a profound impact on business. It has spawned a slew of new business models and has helped make operating models vastly more efficient. By contrast, the Web’s impact on management models has been relatively modest.
Blog by Gary Hamel on May 24, 2011
Creativity is less an art than a discipline--and surprisingly practical and accessible If you think creativity is the province of a privileged few--the proverbial black turtleneck and pony tail crowd--think again. Our work with hundreds of teams, from CEOs to customer service reps, has convinced us...
Management expert Robert Sutton shares lessons on handling layoffs and teams in crisis. This is a Conversation Starter, one in a series of invited opinions on topical issues. Layoffs, pay cuts, and organizational reordering have become widespread realities in the downturn. In this video interview,...
Blog by McKinsey & Company on April 2, 2010