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Take the work out of work

“We need to create work environments that are as immersive and involving as the best video games.”

Human beings are most productive when work feels like play. Enthusiasm, imagination and resourcefulness—the critical ingredients for success in the creative economy—get unleashed when people are having fun. In the future, the most successful organizations will be the ones that have figured out how to blur the boundary between vocation and avocation. Among other things, this will require organizations to better align personal interests and professional responsibilities, to take the drudgery out of work, and to grant employees more control over what they work on.

46 Stories
95 Hacks
4 Barriers

Take the work out of work

“We need to create work environments that are as immersive and involving as the best video games.”

Human beings are most productive when work feels like play. Enthusiasm, imagination and resourcefulness—the critical ingredients for success in the creative economy—get unleashed when people are having fun. In the future, the most successful organizations will be the ones that have figured out how to blur the boundary between vocation and avocation. Among other things, this will require organizations to better align personal interests and professional responsibilities, to take the drudgery out of work, and to grant employees more control over what they work on.

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Questionnaire-like process modeling.It provides a user-friendly, easily understandable, non-technical language (names of variables for process specification;  values of variables for process
Hack by Alfredo Bregni on May 20, 2010
Create a public event series where organisations can safely experiment with future of work concepts and crowd source solutions to meaningful problems with the community 
Hack by Simon Waller on January 17, 2011
The sales force automation (SFA) software market is growing rapidly, with companies such as becoming dominant players in the enterprise software space.
Hack by Lauren Carlson on March 30, 2011
Implement a system of matching employees to roles based on the employees' emotional drivers rather than functional skills or experiences.
Hack by IMD MBA Group 9 on November 6, 2010
We are in a transitory phase of realizing that creativity is an inherent ability within all of us.
Hack by Atna on July 19, 2011
Accelerate the concept development process by “prototyping” your concept in 30 minutes or less!This article was written as one of the requirements to obtain the Innovation Mentor Certific
Hack by Jeff Dahl on May 1, 2015
Corporate culture, much like its social sibling, usually frowns upon employee fatigue and mid-day sleeping which is directly responsible for staff becoming unproductive.
Hack by Jerann Naidu on May 4, 2011
Not new, but simple, cost-effective, underutilized.  Spans industries, levels of work, sectors.  Think "sandbox" (nod to former mentor): Within clear constraints of quality, quantity, time,
Hack by Mary Ann Lesperance on December 4, 2013
Where did you learn the things that have helped you the most?  For most the answer is at work.
Hack by Jane Patterson on November 28, 2010
