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Rethink the philosophical foundations of management

“We need more than new management practices, we need new management principles.”

It’s no longer enough just to be operationally excellent.Organizations must be adaptable, innovative, inspiring, and socially responsible. That means rebuilding the foundations of management thought and practice. Scholars and practitioners alike must search for new principles in fields as diverse as anthropology, biology, design, political science, urban planning, and theology.

65 Stories
169 Hacks
15 Barriers

Rethink the philosophical foundations of management

“We need more than new management practices, we need new management principles.”

It’s no longer enough just to be operationally excellent.Organizations must be adaptable, innovative, inspiring, and socially responsible. That means rebuilding the foundations of management thought and practice. Scholars and practitioners alike must search for new principles in fields as diverse as anthropology, biology, design, political science, urban planning, and theology.

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Wouldn't it be great if human beings were born with a "users guide?" Then we would know the best way to lead, motivate and engage our employees.  My hack attempts to deduce what the
Hack by Paul Herr on January 8, 2011
Social revolutions are nothing but the outer manifestation of an inner evolution that has already begun.
It takes some time to realize what type of manager I wanted to be. This story is how I came to realize this fact. Also, how I realized a corporate suite was not for me.
Story by Jim McGriff, Jr. on September 6, 2015
A boldly original, radical retake on the practice and theory of management from the “both…and” view of “ecologics”, that embraces and contains the “either/or” logic of economics.
Hack by David Hurst on April 23, 2012
Knowing is key to making decisions. Knowing is the foundation of the trust you need to build trust with others.
Story by Jim McGriff, Jr. on September 24, 2015
 1 Contesting(even opposing)in politics, or military, can not only facilitate social progress in terms of science and technology, liberty and democracy and so on, but also have devastating conseq
Hack by Aaron Brook on November 6, 2012
Cool IoT devices obscured an even more revolutionary aspect of the IoT: for the first time, everyone needing instant access to real-time data about things to make better decisions or
Hack by W. David Stephenson on August 25, 2017
Millions of people labour under managers that do not motivate them or enable them to reach their potential. The resulting waste is huge. The solution is simple: let people choose their managers.
Hack by Henry Stewart on May 11, 2012
St. Peter got out of the boat and walked on water for a while. Distractions made him sink. How does this apply to leadership in management.
Story by Jim McGriff, Jr. on July 20, 2015
