It's time to reinvent management. You can help.

Expand the scope of employee autonomy

“Companies must radically reduce the number of permissions that are required to start something new.”

Too many people in organizations feel powerless to initiate change. Rigid policy guidelines, tight spending limits, and a lack of self-directed time limit individual autonomy and undermine the organization’s capacity to renew itself. Companies must redesign management systems so they facilitate local experimentation and bottom-up initiatives.

54 Stories
98 Hacks
3 Barriers

Expand the scope of employee autonomy

“Companies must radically reduce the number of permissions that are required to start something new.”

Too many people in organizations feel powerless to initiate change. Rigid policy guidelines, tight spending limits, and a lack of self-directed time limit individual autonomy and undermine the organization’s capacity to renew itself. Companies must redesign management systems so they facilitate local experimentation and bottom-up initiatives.

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Is there a perfect world where employees won't have to leave their current employment for new challenges?
Hack by David Wayne Tikao on February 21, 2014
We hacked the system by creating an open space – Conexões 2.0 – where IT teams interacted and developed projects with people from many other areas of Natura.
Hack by Gilson Paulo Manfio on December 19, 2013
Every Public Sector organisation across the world is facing some challenges caused by the current economic state, which means that - as part of wider organisational considerations such as property ass
Hack by Heidi De Wolf on December 10, 2013
Many organisations of various sizes are built on hierarchy and driven by status, encouraging people up the organisational management ladder.
Hack by Heidi De Wolf on December 10, 2013
Not new, but simple, cost-effective, underutilized.  Spans industries, levels of work, sectors.  Think "sandbox" (nod to former mentor): Within clear constraints of quality, quantity, time,
Hack by Mary Ann Lesperance on December 4, 2013
Earning Motivation and POWER- EmpowerMaverick, allow employees to choose anything and everything related to work?
Base all aspects of work on one simple principle: "Attend to folks' needs". When everyone is onboard with this principle, everthing else simply falls into place.
Hack by Bob Marshall on October 31, 2013
I propose that businesses should adopt an approach of publicly reporting on customer delight/satisfaction in the same way that financial performance is reported today.
Hack by Rudi Sellers on October 30, 2013
First, a brief introduction. If you've heard the terms "Agile" or "Lean", I want you to put any preconceived ideas aside (and if you haven't, read on).
Hack by Evan Leybourn on October 17, 2013
