It's time to reinvent management. You can help.

Rethink the philosophical foundations of management

“We need more than new management practices, we need new management principles.”

It’s no longer enough just to be operationally excellent.Organizations must be adaptable, innovative, inspiring, and socially responsible. That means rebuilding the foundations of management thought and practice. Scholars and practitioners alike must search for new principles in fields as diverse as anthropology, biology, design, political science, urban planning, and theology.

65 Stories
169 Hacks
15 Barriers

Rethink the philosophical foundations of management

“We need more than new management practices, we need new management principles.”

It’s no longer enough just to be operationally excellent.Organizations must be adaptable, innovative, inspiring, and socially responsible. That means rebuilding the foundations of management thought and practice. Scholars and practitioners alike must search for new principles in fields as diverse as anthropology, biology, design, political science, urban planning, and theology.

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The world of work has grown increasingly complex in recent years, making the task of management increasingly difficult and the ability for people to self-manage is severely constrained.  Managing
Hack by David De Spong on July 18, 2011
Some colleagues and I are exploring and sharing the key aspects of what it takes to be a true learning organisation - adaptable, nimble and geared towards human flourishing.
Hack by Andres Roberts on January 19, 2012
 Inspired by the new sciences and adopting an integral approach aimed to the inclusion of different paradigms, theories and models on the organization field, I propose three requirements to effec
Hack by Michele Munaretti on June 5, 2012
Teaming, also referred to as a self-directed work structure, participative management or a high performance work system, is a cultural priority for GE Aviation Supply Chain.  It is an effort to m
Story by Rasheedah Jones on July 14, 2013
In the time when the Abbasid Caliphs ruled in the Orient, there lived in Baghdad a successful high-ranking secretary. He was reputed for being utterly incorruptible.
Story by Bernhard Sterchi on July 29, 2016
The problem is not that we are thinking about management challenges with concepts that are decades out of date, but that we are thinking about them with brains that are millenia out of date.
Hack by Alastair Dryburgh on October 24, 2011
This hack begins the process of changing a Management 1.0 organization’s culture by recognizing that an increase in personal freedom must be accompanied by an increase in personal
Hack by Chris Grams on April 30, 2012
Lately, I read an article in Business Week by a so called expert… in the second sentence the expert made the comment that you should love what you do.Recently, on Good Morning America a reporter was i
Story by Jim McGriff, Jr. on May 5, 2015
A new management philosophy is outlined in a recent book: Become Truly Great: Serve the common good through Management by Positive Organizational Effectiveness (2017).
Story by Charles Chandler on December 10, 2017
Yes, it is time to reinvent management but that reinvention should not be limited to the managerial fonction itself or it may miss the benefits of unleashing the leader in each and everyone of us from
Hack by Olivier Lavergne on November 28, 2010
