It's time to reinvent management. You can help.

Focus the work of management on a higher purpose

"We need companies that feel like movements."

Most companies strive to maximize shareholder wealth—a goal that is inadequate in many respects. As an emotional catalyst, wealth maximization lacks the power to fully mobilize human energies. It’s an insufficient defense when people question the legitimacy of corporate power. And it’s not specific or compelling enough to spur renewal. Individuals need a compelling answer to the question, “What’s worth my life?” And organizations must offer a compelling case for why what they do matters—an original and persuasive blueprint for where their industry could and should be going. Going forward, management practices must focus on the achievement of socially significant and noble goals.

107 Stories
164 Hacks
12 Barriers

Focus the work of management on a higher purpose

"We need companies that feel like movements."

Most companies strive to maximize shareholder wealth—a goal that is inadequate in many respects. As an emotional catalyst, wealth maximization lacks the power to fully mobilize human energies. It’s an insufficient defense when people question the legitimacy of corporate power. And it’s not specific or compelling enough to spur renewal. Individuals need a compelling answer to the question, “What’s worth my life?” And organizations must offer a compelling case for why what they do matters—an original and persuasive blueprint for where their industry could and should be going. Going forward, management practices must focus on the achievement of socially significant and noble goals.

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Sampling the human condition of others - walking in their shoes - is what engenders empathy.
Hack by Neil Tambe on June 28, 2010
Capitalism will not change if those of us providing the capital don't begin to remove financial incentives for short-term behavior.
Hack by Jeffrey Cherry on May 10, 2012
Leaders today face unprecedented challenges.  Those leaders that stand out, take a stand, and make a difference are what I define as renegade leaders...  
Story by Debora McLaughlin on January 11, 2012
Writing on Long Term Capitalism I described business which puts people and their needs before maximising shareholder value as the New Bottom Line.The position paper for people-centered economics argue
Story by Jeff Mowatt on March 27, 2019
The capitalist drive to create new technology, design new products and pursue new opportunities has had some very positive results for society.
Hack by Shaun Neeley on October 3, 2012
In Corporate Strategy at NBCUniversal, I believe what we do matters.
Hack by Benjamin Decker on September 17, 2011
Shifting the manner in which the basic tenet of capitalism is managed today by expanding the economic theory to one of joint organisational and social "value-creation".
Hack by Lesley Lousich on May 8, 2012
People are behind the world’s biggest business success stories. That’s why it’s important for entrepreneurs to focus on building the best possible team right from the start.
Story by Bhakti Rajapurkar on August 5, 2019
If you could select one tool to achieve your short-term goal of embedding technology and innovation for growth and productivity into your organization, what tool would it be?
Story by Adela Vargas on April 29, 2019
