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De-politicize decision-making

“We have to find a way of separating critical decisions from personal ‘wins’ and ‘losses.’”

The quality of top-level decision making is often compromised by executive hubris, unstated biases, and incomplete data. Moreover, the number of variables that must be factored into key decisions keeps growing. In deciding to spend millions of dollars to enter a new market or back a new technology, senior leaders seldom seek the advice of rank-and-file employees. However, those on the ground are often best placed to evaluate the issues that will make or break a new strategy. Companies need new decision-making processes that capture a variety of views, exploit the organization’s collective wisdom, and minimize position-related biases.

26 Stories
62 Hacks
7 Barriers

De-politicize decision-making

“We have to find a way of separating critical decisions from personal ‘wins’ and ‘losses.’”

The quality of top-level decision making is often compromised by executive hubris, unstated biases, and incomplete data. Moreover, the number of variables that must be factored into key decisions keeps growing. In deciding to spend millions of dollars to enter a new market or back a new technology, senior leaders seldom seek the advice of rank-and-file employees. However, those on the ground are often best placed to evaluate the issues that will make or break a new strategy. Companies need new decision-making processes that capture a variety of views, exploit the organization’s collective wisdom, and minimize position-related biases.

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