It's time to reinvent management. You can help.

Amplify imagination

“We often wrongly assume that commodity jobs are filled with commodity people. Everyone was born with the capacity to create.”

While we know a lot about how to engender human creativity — equip people with innovation tools, allow them to set aside time for thinking, de-stigmatize failure, create opportunities for serendipitous learning — little of this knowledge has infiltrated management systems. Worse, many companies institutionalize a sort of creative apartheid. They assign the label “creative” to select individuals and roles — and tacitly (or not) relegate the rest to mundane work. Management processes must nurture innovation in every corner of the organization.

60 Stories
124 Hacks
6 Barriers

Amplify imagination

“We often wrongly assume that commodity jobs are filled with commodity people. Everyone was born with the capacity to create.”

While we know a lot about how to engender human creativity — equip people with innovation tools, allow them to set aside time for thinking, de-stigmatize failure, create opportunities for serendipitous learning — little of this knowledge has infiltrated management systems. Worse, many companies institutionalize a sort of creative apartheid. They assign the label “creative” to select individuals and roles — and tacitly (or not) relegate the rest to mundane work. Management processes must nurture innovation in every corner of the organization.

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Innovation, that is transforming an idea into a valued solution, requires multi-dimensional capabilities.
Barrier by Claude Diderich on October 6, 2017
Dear Collegues I would like to build up with you a community in the area of complex physiochemical feautures relevant to the emerging field of nanotechnology management of Disruptive innovation .
Barrier by paolo manzelli on November 10, 2011
While so many of us acknowledge how critical it is to have systems thinking in order to maximise productivity in organisations why is it that systemic shut down of skills prevails?
Barrier by Eldo Kurian on October 28, 2010
For innovation to prosper and novel designs to get funded, we need a more thoughtful language to communicate across isolated disciplines, with more clarity.
Barrier by Ellen Weber on September 8, 2010
Perhaps the most common failure of individuals and organizations that need to change is either that they do not seek the broader view that offers new choices, or that they do not explore the deeper ro
The problem of assumed expertise: title and tenure are often treated as a proxy for the skill sets of individuals within organizations, making it difficult to fully leverage the collective skill set o
Barrier by Eric Peterson on April 8, 2010