A proposed course to enable senior managers to become effective Chief Executives with the personal and professional skills to develop high performing organisations.
When we arrive at the building of our organisation, or when we log in in our corporate intranet we tend to change. We change from a human into a walking "job discription".
Move from a static, administration-heavy, compentency & performance based talent management system to a dynamic, innovation oriented, cool-sounding talent locator and accelerator,
From a five year study of HR practice in talent management and succession planning, one conclusion is clear -- most of the charts, competency frameworks, nine box grids and other paraphernalia (for wh
This hack is pinpointing some ideas for how companies - which stand in front of challenge of rapid growth - should go about scaling themselves without losing their engaging, entreprenerial and e
Organisational flexibility is a much discussed topic.The purposes of this “hack” are:Providing a model which is designed to enhance organisational flexibility;Ensuring involvement of employees;Making
Often times the emphasis in talent acquisition is tenure as evidenced by experience. This ensures that new hires simply come with entrenched mindsets and rigid workstyles to the new organisation.