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Retool management for an open and borderless world

“As the distinction between ‘inside’ and ‘outside’ disappears, managers must learn how to manage beyond the legal boundaries of the enterprise.”

Emerging business models increasingly rely on value-creating networks and forms of social production that transcend organizational boundaries. In these environments, management tools that rely on the use of positional power are likely to be ineffective or counterproductive. In a network of volunteers or legally independent agents, the “leader” has to energize and enlarge the community rather than manage it from above. Success therefore requires developing new approaches to mobilizing and coordinating human efforts.

52 Stories
127 Hacks
13 Barriers

Retool management for an open and borderless world

“As the distinction between ‘inside’ and ‘outside’ disappears, managers must learn how to manage beyond the legal boundaries of the enterprise.”

Emerging business models increasingly rely on value-creating networks and forms of social production that transcend organizational boundaries. In these environments, management tools that rely on the use of positional power are likely to be ineffective or counterproductive. In a network of volunteers or legally independent agents, the “leader” has to energize and enlarge the community rather than manage it from above. Success therefore requires developing new approaches to mobilizing and coordinating human efforts.

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 Global economy grow it's based on local competences and capacity to sell it out of their boundaries. (Like M.
The white coat of a physician signifies a 19th century model of leadership: authoritative, unchallenged, above and beyond the ordinary. This is not who today's physicians are.
Hack by Sonja Dieterich on July 18, 2011
Whether it's a fair trade social enterprise, a microfinance institution, or an agricultural co-op, any business that makes the claim that it helps the global poor must be able to objectively measure c
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Co-Authored By Steve Wright
Create a public event series where organisations can safely experiment with future of work concepts and crowd source solutions to meaningful problems with the community 
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While the trend with most companies today is to block employee use of social network sites like Facebook and Twitter,, Inc.
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Move from a static, administration-heavy, compentency & performance based talent management system to a dynamic, innovation oriented, cool-sounding talent locator and accelerator,
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