It's time to reinvent management. You can help.

Expand the scope of employee autonomy

“Companies must radically reduce the number of permissions that are required to start something new.”

Too many people in organizations feel powerless to initiate change. Rigid policy guidelines, tight spending limits, and a lack of self-directed time limit individual autonomy and undermine the organization’s capacity to renew itself. Companies must redesign management systems so they facilitate local experimentation and bottom-up initiatives.

54 Stories
98 Hacks
3 Barriers

Expand the scope of employee autonomy

“Companies must radically reduce the number of permissions that are required to start something new.”

Too many people in organizations feel powerless to initiate change. Rigid policy guidelines, tight spending limits, and a lack of self-directed time limit individual autonomy and undermine the organization’s capacity to renew itself. Companies must redesign management systems so they facilitate local experimentation and bottom-up initiatives.

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The Industrial Age was primarily rules-based leading to procedures. The Information Age is primarily principles-based leading to creativity and innovation.
Hack by George Kobak on February 23, 2015
Today we manage workers by headcount, jobs, roles, processes, and infrastructure.
Hack by Michael Grove on April 30, 2012
We want to completely revamp traditional project proposal methods in businesses to allow for greater creativity, innovation, and employee ownership.
Hack by Christian Lee on March 31, 2014
As legacy business thinking attempts to stagger away from the ingrained practices of the Industrial era towards modernity nothing is in need of a more radical re-assessment than the view of the employ
Hack by Mike Parker on April 10, 2016
Technology isn't the centre of web 2.0, people are.  To create management 2.0, we need to enable change in the perspectives and behaviours of the people working within organisations.
Hack by Jon Ingham on July 17, 2011
The challenge is to combine technologies, platforms and ways of learning that explicitly tackle those enemies of adaptability and support each of the design principles of a truly adaptable organisatio
Hack by Julie Steel on July 17, 2013
Hi All, We always talk about what need to be do something  to reinvent Management. All big guns in Management give their advices for this.
Hack by Gagandeep Singh on February 16, 2012
Create decision rules & guidelines that can be changed to reflect the processes that are working, make sense, resonate with workers.
Hack by Dave Ungar on July 29, 2014
Force meetings to become more productive by insisting that every single meeting should have a purpose-statement - e g "Invent options to increase sales in Asia" or "Decide release date from suggested
Hack by Dan Bergh Johnsson on October 15, 2014
