It's time to reinvent management. You can help.

Enable communities of passion

“Passion is a multiplier of human effort, but it can’t be manufactured. It’s present only when people get the chance to work on what they truly care about.”

Passion is a significant multiplier of human accomplishment, particularly when like-minded individuals converge around a worthy cause. Yet a wealth of data indicates that most employees are emotionally disengaged at work. They are unfulfilled, and consequently their organizations underperform. Companies must encourage communities of passion by structuring work and revising management processes to help people tap into a higher calling at work, by connecting employees who share similar passions, and by better aligning the organization’s objectives with the natural interests of its people.

95 Stories
152 Hacks
16 Barriers

Enable communities of passion

“Passion is a multiplier of human effort, but it can’t be manufactured. It’s present only when people get the chance to work on what they truly care about.”

Passion is a significant multiplier of human accomplishment, particularly when like-minded individuals converge around a worthy cause. Yet a wealth of data indicates that most employees are emotionally disengaged at work. They are unfulfilled, and consequently their organizations underperform. Companies must encourage communities of passion by structuring work and revising management processes to help people tap into a higher calling at work, by connecting employees who share similar passions, and by better aligning the organization’s objectives with the natural interests of its people.

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The core problem of Management is stagnation of Collective Ability. Enough evidence has accumulated to deduce Collective Ability is raised by removing all barriers to the flow of Knowledge.
Barrier by Raj Kumar on September 13, 2010
An evolving work culture which incorporates the elements of social networking, game-based activities and the passion associated with sporting activities. Employees are the masters of the game.
Hack by Philip Ngemegwai on September 8, 2010
To effectively train and nurture managers/leaders, companies have to get involved.
Hack by Anna Smith on September 4, 2010
It is the application of Knowledge that delivers results not possession. Blindness to personal handicaps and tunnel vision is common.
Barrier by Raj Kumar on August 31, 2010
Practice of any wisdom demands organization and discipline. Personnel today lack the time, energy and volition to self-organize practice of management-wisdom.
Barrier by Raj Kumar on August 28, 2010
Ah, the beauty of a small organization. Everyone knows what you are trying to accomplish, and if anyone doesn't, they know who to ask.
Hack by Chris Grams on August 27, 2010
PIF stands for Pay it ForwardThe Wikipedia link talks about the concept and has a link to the movie that was made as well.Why not introduce this concept to Managers within organizations?
Hack by Madhusudan Rao on August 23, 2010
