It's time to reinvent management. You can help.

Embed the ethos of community and citizenship

“Stakeholder relationships must be seen as interdependent and positive-sum.”

In our increasingly interdependent world, highly collaborative systems will outperform organizations that are characterized by adversarial win-lose relationships. Yet today, corporate governance structures often exacerbate conflict by promoting the interests of some groups(such as senior executives and the providers of capital)at the expense of others (usually employees,local communities, and the planet). Management systems must more fully reflect the ethos of community and citizenship—and the inescapable interdependence of all stakeholder groups must be designed into organizational operations at every level.

68 Stories
114 Hacks
5 Barriers

Embed the ethos of community and citizenship

“Stakeholder relationships must be seen as interdependent and positive-sum.”

In our increasingly interdependent world, highly collaborative systems will outperform organizations that are characterized by adversarial win-lose relationships. Yet today, corporate governance structures often exacerbate conflict by promoting the interests of some groups(such as senior executives and the providers of capital)at the expense of others (usually employees,local communities, and the planet). Management systems must more fully reflect the ethos of community and citizenship—and the inescapable interdependence of all stakeholder groups must be designed into organizational operations at every level.

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Bring the classroom/school to work and make your colleagues your classmates. Hold "classes" at work where employees can enroll and learn together.
Hack by Akash Sah on September 21, 2010
This hack introduces Stakeholder Enrichment as a theory and practical application designed to advance Capitalism by rebooting the underlying motivators of self-interest and creating more evolved corpo
Hack by Linda Braasch on May 11, 2012
Wouldn't it be great to get a crowd of experts to invest a bit of time in your enterprise in an effective and meaningful way, especially when traditional investment is too costly or simply not availab
Hack by Alexander Polonsky on July 18, 2011
MCTube (Management for Crisis - Tube) will be an ideal tool for Managers to understand crisis projects and the various attempts made by Managers to bring back projects to Green.
Hack by Madhusudan Rao on July 18, 2010
Creating  leaders across the organization begins with valuing every employee's contributions.  Instead of giving feedback during the annual performance evaluation, managers and supe
Hack by Kelly Swauger on May 23, 2013
 The Invisible Hand’s Purpose Seed, manifesting itself as a 5D Market system with a 5M (Meta Events,  Means, Metrics, Method & Mediation) mindset, yielding Triune Shared Value (S
Hack by Charles Prabakar on March 30, 2012
Purpose Innovation driven “purpose bundles”, are products and services from variety of related and unrelated industry providers that are bundled togeth
Hack by Charles Prabakar on May 26, 2011
The Total Volunteer Force (TVF) will restructure the U.S. military's personnel system, designed to overhaul the inflexible, centrally-managed structure today.
Hack by Timothy Kane on June 11, 2013
Currently most organizations have an archaic penal system where offenders are sent to the "pricipal's office" of HR.Restorative Justice provides a way to handle exceptions to group norms in a way that
Hack by Evan Leonard on May 7, 2010
Unless we change the story we won't change anything fundamental.Our stories keep us doing what we're already doing or open up new possibilites for action.
Hack by Mark Addleson on December 17, 2011
