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Create internal markets for ideas, talent & resources

“Organizations need a resource allocation process that more accurately mimics the selection pressures of a real market.”

Funding decisions in corporations are usually made at the top and are heavily influenced by political factors. That’s why companies over-invest in the past and underfund the future. By contrast, resource allocation in a market-based system like the New York Stock Exchange is decentralized and apolitical. While markets are obviously vulnerable to short-term distortions, in the long run they’re better than big organizations at getting the right resources behind the right opportunities. To make resource allocation more flexible and dynamic, companies must create internal markets where legacy programs and new projects compete on an equal footing for talent and cash.

44 Stories
71 Hacks
5 Barriers

Create internal markets for ideas, talent & resources

“Organizations need a resource allocation process that more accurately mimics the selection pressures of a real market.”

Funding decisions in corporations are usually made at the top and are heavily influenced by political factors. That’s why companies over-invest in the past and underfund the future. By contrast, resource allocation in a market-based system like the New York Stock Exchange is decentralized and apolitical. While markets are obviously vulnerable to short-term distortions, in the long run they’re better than big organizations at getting the right resources behind the right opportunities. To make resource allocation more flexible and dynamic, companies must create internal markets where legacy programs and new projects compete on an equal footing for talent and cash.

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How do you make a big company’s culture more innovative and entrepreneurial? Start with a corridor and work your way out.
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Facing the challenges of our comapny (mounting pressure, weak & uninterested governance, lack of centralization) our team realized that no singular solution could tackle the problem in its full co
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This story is about the training program we run to develop the characteristics needed for teams and individuals to be successful in taking on very dynamic and entrepreneurial projects.
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For anyone managing a website, optimization is key. However, it is not always easy to manage the optimization and create a site that is user-friendly.
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BACKGROUND It was The Economist’s Vijay Vaitheeswaran who coined the term “micropower” to refer to sources of electricity that are relatively small, modular, mass-producible, quick-to-dep
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