It's time to reinvent management. You can help.


You probably know people whose mothers loom large - even in their adult lives.  Their every move is slowed by the tugging of apron strings and the daunting consideration of what mother would thin
Story by Julian Birkinshaw on July 6, 2010
Innovation can happen by chance, without a determined effort or specific methodology. But when it does, it's more like luck than strategic progress. While there is a role for serendipity in strategy – being able to take advantage of pleasant surprises -- too often, that's the only way companies approach innovation: with fingers crossed.
Blog by Jim Stikeleather on February 9, 2012
Some say with relief that the old economy’s gone. Other’s say that new markets may never emerge.
Hack by Ellen Weber on September 4, 2011
3M takes its Markets of the Future process from a cloistered analysis by corporate strategists to a global Web 2.0-enabled event, tapping the collective insight of 20,500 3Mers in over 60 countries.&n
Story by Barry K. Dayton on June 16, 2011
elBulli is a well-known restaurant famous not only for his chef, Ferran Adria, but also for being a creative organization in which every year more than a hundred elaborations are put in place.At elBul
Story by Andrés Hatum on June 16, 2011 is a great collection of corporate mission statements. I recently used its search function to find examples of companies that prominently and publicly state something close to "people are our most important asset." Here's a partial list: Nestlé, Procter & Gamble, Land...
Blog by Andrew McAfee on August 25, 2010
