It's time to reinvent management. You can help.

Develop holistic performance measures

“We need new measurement systems that capture the things that really create value.”

A shortlist of the limitations of traditional measurement systems:

(1) they’re lopsided, in that they overweight the achievement of certain outcomes (e.g. short-term earnings), while under-weighting the achievement of others (e.g. building new growth platforms);

(2) they take insufficient account of critical externalities (e.g. the environmental and social costs of corporate policies);

(3) they give inadequate attention to the things that drive success in the “creative economy,” (e.g., the value of customer-authored innovation).

Organizations will need to create holistic measurement systems that capture the many, interrelated variables that drive success.

34 Stories
88 Hacks
4 Barriers

Develop holistic performance measures

“We need new measurement systems that capture the things that really create value.”

A shortlist of the limitations of traditional measurement systems:

(1) they’re lopsided, in that they overweight the achievement of certain outcomes (e.g. short-term earnings), while under-weighting the achievement of others (e.g. building new growth platforms);

(2) they take insufficient account of critical externalities (e.g. the environmental and social costs of corporate policies);

(3) they give inadequate attention to the things that drive success in the “creative economy,” (e.g., the value of customer-authored innovation).

Organizations will need to create holistic measurement systems that capture the many, interrelated variables that drive success.

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What is so great about Retail Xpress?It’s only a revolutionary, unique, all-in-one retail software developed to make running a business easier than ever!So what exactly makes it so unique and revoluti
Hack by Emeka Ikwukeme on February 1, 2019
There are 30 years of robust evidence to support the following conclusion:service businesses where employees have a positive service climate have customers who are more satisfied.
Story by Francis Jeyaraj on November 11, 2012
Uncertainty even in matured organizations makes managers to look for instant gratification for they work creating a window for Vulnerability.
Barrier by Satya Vegi on October 16, 2010
I think a generally underappreciated (even when it's explicitly discussed), but highly influential factor in any workplace is the power of metrics.
Hack by Sean Schofield on May 31, 2011
The cure for capitalism is more capitalism. Actual control system provides all-or-nothing instruments that prove to be insufficiently rough.
Hack by Justare Alman on May 4, 2012
The Connected Intelligence Operating System formally elevates employees Knowledge, Decisions and Insights to essential work products. 1.
Hack by Vasu Srinivasan on June 24, 2011
It's too easy to be a bad manager.
Hack by Adam Schorr on June 29, 2011
Extend "first right of refusal" to customers to own the company's stock, whenever there is a need for new/ additional external investment.
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We're the largest sub in a global company HQ'd in France.  To "Control costs, Harmonize, Be more efficient..." the HQ org., has estabished technology shared services in low cost countries (Buchar
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