Often, when I'm invited to speak to boardrooms, I start by gently saying: "Listen up folks. Business is brain-dead. Right now, even as we speak, your business is probably undergoing a slow, barely perceptible, but wholly pernicious brain death." I might take a custom-made, baby-soft $2000 loafer to...
Development of a transparent employment process that results in not only the best person for the position being appointed but also keeps that person by making the company accountable for all promises
This hack considers how organisational capability might be unleashed by increasing the level of trust between employer and employee, borrowing from some of the concepts of Tikanga Maori and simply doi
We celebrate failure. Everyone says that but we really mean it. We really celebrate failure - we cheer, shout, applaud and stamp our feet when people in our company make mistakes.
In “The Future of Management” Gary Hamel argued that “Management is out of date. Like the combustion engine, it’s a technology that has largely stopped evolving, and that’s not good.” This
None of us is as smart as all of us - a safe, confidential and trusting peer group can be a powerful process for innovation, helping with opportunities, problems, challenges and issues of
We all know the days of expecting a job for life are over. Job security as we knew it is gone. This begs the question, if that was the psychological contract, what is the new psy
Reflecting on 2010, one of the things I am particularly thankful for is the opportunity to get involved with the amazing folks in the MIX community. I made my first contribution in July and starting blogging regularly on the site in November as a Moonshot Guide focusing on the Enable Communities of...