It's time to reinvent management. You can help.


GameChanger is a simple, flexible, and real-time innovation process run by an autonomous team at Shell that invests in helping people develop their novel ideas from genesis to proof of concept. 
Story by Russ Conser on January 7, 2013
At Experian Latin America, aiming to systemize innovation as a capability in an increasingly competitive market, we implemented an ideation platform that mirrors our company’s people-oriented ma
What happens when volunteers respond to the call for “digital citizen scientists,” agreeing to use their personal computer downtime to run a program for solving the problem of protein folding, a key t
Story by shirley spence on September 24, 2010
*In order for organizations to thrive in the 21st century global economy, knowledge workers must be allowed the flexibility and discretionary authority to offload their non-core busy work to help prop
Story by Jordan Cohen on April 11, 2010