It's time to reinvent management. You can help.

Reinvent the means of control

“We need control systems that shape rather than stifle human contribution.”

Traditional control systems ensure high levels of compliance but do so at the expense of employee creativity, entrepreneurship, and engagement. To overcome the discipline-versus-innovation trade-off, tomorrow’s control systems will need to rely more on peer review and less on top-down supervision. They must leverage the power of shared values and aspirations while loosening the straitjacket of rules and strictures. The goal: organizations filled with people whose motivation and discipline comes from within.

61 Stories
205 Hacks
11 Barriers

Reinvent the means of control

“We need control systems that shape rather than stifle human contribution.”

Traditional control systems ensure high levels of compliance but do so at the expense of employee creativity, entrepreneurship, and engagement. To overcome the discipline-versus-innovation trade-off, tomorrow’s control systems will need to rely more on peer review and less on top-down supervision. They must leverage the power of shared values and aspirations while loosening the straitjacket of rules and strictures. The goal: organizations filled with people whose motivation and discipline comes from within.

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Imagine if Toyota decides to stop selling cars today and instead start selling smart home appliances tomorrow.
Hack by Eidit Hashim on February 10, 2011
daPulse helps companies scale without loosing their self managing, high performance startup culture. 
Hack by Nevo Peretz on January 18, 2014
Hierarchy can be reinvented through a contribution-based “points system,” linked specifically to how each employee impacts the company’s results.
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The foundation owns the internet domain names. Web sites are managed as open source, wikis, ... and their net profits are received by the Foundation.
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If you want to promote the behaviours of your best leaders, give them a larger span of control and ability to influence.
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The assumption that employees must be hierarchically controlled has frustrated organizational innovation for decades.  We and five well-known business leaders stumbled upon the solution to this i
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