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Expand the scope of employee autonomy

“Companies must radically reduce the number of permissions that are required to start something new.”

Too many people in organizations feel powerless to initiate change. Rigid policy guidelines, tight spending limits, and a lack of self-directed time limit individual autonomy and undermine the organization’s capacity to renew itself. Companies must redesign management systems so they facilitate local experimentation and bottom-up initiatives.

54 Stories
98 Hacks
3 Barriers

Expand the scope of employee autonomy

“Companies must radically reduce the number of permissions that are required to start something new.”

Too many people in organizations feel powerless to initiate change. Rigid policy guidelines, tight spending limits, and a lack of self-directed time limit individual autonomy and undermine the organization’s capacity to renew itself. Companies must redesign management systems so they facilitate local experimentation and bottom-up initiatives.

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Most companies have implemented “best practice sharing” processes that help identify local innovations and seek to scale them by providing corporate resources.  While well-intentioned, these effo
Hack by Colin Cunningham on June 14, 2012
BORN Ontario delivers innovative management by enabling highly-trained professionals to manage themselves. An environment of “Management by Information,” provides tools for superior healthcare.
Story by Mari Teitelbaum on July 18, 2011
Co-Authored By David King
All Strategies hinge on successful execution.  While most managers are comfortable planning, many struggle with the intricacies of implementation.  Two factors impact successful execution ab
Hack by Njal Larson on November 18, 2011
Earning Motivation and POWER- EmpowerMaverick, allow employees to choose anything and everything related to work?
Turning an organisation on its head- removing all management, establishing a P&L account and Balance Sheet on everyone in the organisation and having customers payment go first into the
Story by Julian Wilson on July 22, 2012
Every new employee at Red Hat quickly learns about memo-list, one of the most visible elements of the Red Hat culture.
Story by DeLisa Alexander on August 24, 2011
Virtually every company has some sort of training program with the goal of having their people work smarter, but it is not the program that counts but how effective it is.
Hack by George Kobak on March 24, 2015
I've been facilitating groups of 18 people from roughly a half dozen countries who meet for 3 separate weeks over a 6 month period. Each time we meet on a different continent.
Story by Kimberly Wiefling on May 30, 2013
Today’s economy is based on knowledge, which requires initiative, creativity, passion, engagement and empowerment in order to flourish.
Hack by Lynda McDonald on March 1, 2011
