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Encourage the dissenters

“The pro-change constituency must always be more powerful than the no-change constituency.”

There is a tendency in every organization to discount disputatious or divergent points of view. Those with an interest in defening the status quo often regard dissent as subverssive. Yet history shows it was often the malcontents and the contrarians who had the most prescient view of tomorrow’s threats and opportunities. So rather than marginalize the outliers, organizations must ensure that their voices are heard. Internal debates about strategy and policy must be vigorous, open and uncensored, and every management processes must encourage those with discomforting views to speak up.

18 Stories
36 Hacks
5 Barriers

Encourage the dissenters

“The pro-change constituency must always be more powerful than the no-change constituency.”

There is a tendency in every organization to discount disputatious or divergent points of view. Those with an interest in defening the status quo often regard dissent as subverssive. Yet history shows it was often the malcontents and the contrarians who had the most prescient view of tomorrow’s threats and opportunities. So rather than marginalize the outliers, organizations must ensure that their voices are heard. Internal debates about strategy and policy must be vigorous, open and uncensored, and every management processes must encourage those with discomforting views to speak up.

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Engaging senior level experience in a constructive way by creating critical friends.
Hack by Mark McDonald on August 30, 2011
Given the total lack of evidence that developing leaders actually results in better organizational performance, maybe it is time to convert what we know about leadership.
The factory floor of many organisations is the wild west of the work place.Much of the work is extremely repetitive and boring.
Hack by Stu Wilkinson on December 6, 2011
Ever get an innovation project rolling along well and then bump into a hidden corporate policy or procedure that stops the project dead in its tracks?
Hack by Mary Kuhr Anderson on August 14, 2017
The greatest risk today - in an increasingly networked world where the cost of experimentation is dropping, may very well be that the hazards of standing still outweigh those of unmitigated experiment
Hack by Paul Higgins on July 5, 2011
Implement a pattern derivation system based on the conversations people in your organization have about their work life, stress level, relationship with management and co-workers and workplace environ
Hack by Aditya Ghuwalewala on October 30, 2013
New ideas, and feedback on existing ideas would be a lot more vibrant with support for anonymous publishing. No filtering, no censorship, just trust in your people to contribute honestly
Hack by brendan coram on May 12, 2010
Early in the innovation process, when the sky should be the limit, avoid the pitfalls of being too practical, too quick to jump to solutions, and too eager to work towards the familiar.This hack was w
Hack by Brian Janke on March 4, 2016
When was the last time you looked at a Dilbert cartoon and a big smile appeared on your face?
Hack by Olivier Lavergne on December 1, 2010
