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Encourage the dissenters

“The pro-change constituency must always be more powerful than the no-change constituency.”

There is a tendency in every organization to discount disputatious or divergent points of view. Those with an interest in defening the status quo often regard dissent as subverssive. Yet history shows it was often the malcontents and the contrarians who had the most prescient view of tomorrow’s threats and opportunities. So rather than marginalize the outliers, organizations must ensure that their voices are heard. Internal debates about strategy and policy must be vigorous, open and uncensored, and every management processes must encourage those with discomforting views to speak up.

18 Stories
36 Hacks
5 Barriers

Encourage the dissenters

“The pro-change constituency must always be more powerful than the no-change constituency.”

There is a tendency in every organization to discount disputatious or divergent points of view. Those with an interest in defening the status quo often regard dissent as subverssive. Yet history shows it was often the malcontents and the contrarians who had the most prescient view of tomorrow’s threats and opportunities. So rather than marginalize the outliers, organizations must ensure that their voices are heard. Internal debates about strategy and policy must be vigorous, open and uncensored, and every management processes must encourage those with discomforting views to speak up.

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“But there are times when a critic truly risks something, and that is in the discovery and defense of the new. The world is often unkind to new talents, new creations.
Story by Jeff DeGraff on July 26, 2012
This article has been written as one of the requirements to obtain the Innovation Mentor Certification at CIMp.
Story by David Graham IV on August 14, 2017
At the centre of innovation are people in all their forms; however, much of the references to people being at the heart of our organisations pay lip-service to what it truly means to realise a people-
Story by Ian Fergus on June 10, 2013
I can summarize your slow growth easily. There are two types of people you and HR would never hire. You adore Steve Jobs and Einstein. Yet, let’s be honest shall we. You use Apple products.
Story by Jim Woods on October 28, 2013
In the Jaycee organization there is a simple definition of a leader; a leader has followers. I learned there are several types of followers; voluntary, hired, and assigned.
Story by Jim McGriff, Jr. on February 23, 2014
I remember my first encounter with an expert. I was the night manager at the Timme Plaza Restaurant in Wilmington, North Carolina, when the event occurred.
Story by Jim McGriff, Jr. on April 24, 2015
 I have had much success helping managers who need to get their teams to accept a new change.  It doesn't just happen.
Story by Terry D. Everson on January 6, 2011
This is a critical election in 2016. It will determine the future financial security of our country. We as citizens need many question answered by the politicians before we vote for them.
Story by Jim McGriff, Jr. on October 20, 2015
