It's time to reinvent management. You can help.

Develop holistic performance measures

“We need new measurement systems that capture the things that really create value.”

A shortlist of the limitations of traditional measurement systems:

(1) they’re lopsided, in that they overweight the achievement of certain outcomes (e.g. short-term earnings), while under-weighting the achievement of others (e.g. building new growth platforms);

(2) they take insufficient account of critical externalities (e.g. the environmental and social costs of corporate policies);

(3) they give inadequate attention to the things that drive success in the “creative economy,” (e.g., the value of customer-authored innovation).

Organizations will need to create holistic measurement systems that capture the many, interrelated variables that drive success.

34 Stories
88 Hacks
4 Barriers

Develop holistic performance measures

“We need new measurement systems that capture the things that really create value.”

A shortlist of the limitations of traditional measurement systems:

(1) they’re lopsided, in that they overweight the achievement of certain outcomes (e.g. short-term earnings), while under-weighting the achievement of others (e.g. building new growth platforms);

(2) they take insufficient account of critical externalities (e.g. the environmental and social costs of corporate policies);

(3) they give inadequate attention to the things that drive success in the “creative economy,” (e.g., the value of customer-authored innovation).

Organizations will need to create holistic measurement systems that capture the many, interrelated variables that drive success.

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