It's time to reinvent management. You can help.

Develop holistic performance measures

“We need new measurement systems that capture the things that really create value.”

A shortlist of the limitations of traditional measurement systems:

(1) they’re lopsided, in that they overweight the achievement of certain outcomes (e.g. short-term earnings), while under-weighting the achievement of others (e.g. building new growth platforms);

(2) they take insufficient account of critical externalities (e.g. the environmental and social costs of corporate policies);

(3) they give inadequate attention to the things that drive success in the “creative economy,” (e.g., the value of customer-authored innovation).

Organizations will need to create holistic measurement systems that capture the many, interrelated variables that drive success.

34 Stories
88 Hacks
4 Barriers

Develop holistic performance measures

“We need new measurement systems that capture the things that really create value.”

A shortlist of the limitations of traditional measurement systems:

(1) they’re lopsided, in that they overweight the achievement of certain outcomes (e.g. short-term earnings), while under-weighting the achievement of others (e.g. building new growth platforms);

(2) they take insufficient account of critical externalities (e.g. the environmental and social costs of corporate policies);

(3) they give inadequate attention to the things that drive success in the “creative economy,” (e.g., the value of customer-authored innovation).

Organizations will need to create holistic measurement systems that capture the many, interrelated variables that drive success.

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The world of management is full of myths and rituals. Many seem to have been with us forever, often explained and justified as “we have always done it like this”.
Hack by Bjarte Bogsnes on January 23, 2017
 The performance of a company is intrinsic with the employees associated with the organisation. Every employee and his contribution is part of the core ethos of a successful organization.
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Extend "first right of refusal" to customers to own the company's stock, whenever there is a need for new/ additional external investment.
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Hack by Chris Shambrook on June 14, 2013
A supervisor in a central dispatch center is a different kind of first line management.I was given the Dispatch Supervisor job when our control center opened for our division.
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