It's time to reinvent management. You can help.


The road sign reads "Paradigm Shift Ahead" Around the corner is the oncoming shift.We will exit roads named Bigger, Bigger Business, Bigger House, Bigger Car, Bigger Portions (have you noticed th
Hack by Anne Perschel on July 1, 2011
The stats are just awful: while women account for more than half the college graduates and more than half the PhDs, we make up less than 20% of top management in almost every industry you look at. Now draw a circle and estimate three percent of it. That is the percentage of CEOs who were women in...
Blog by Joanna Barsh on June 23, 2010
by Joy Kosta Three decades ago I took a mini-survey on managerial style in Cosmopolitan magazine (which I read back in my 20’s) that said my managerial style at the time was more “male” than “female”-- not surprising, I remembered thinking, because the leader “role models” I worked with were male...
Blog by HCI on September 9, 2010
Best practices result in more copies of what exists now. When it comes to cracking the glass ceiling, we need uncommon practices.
Hack by Anne Perschel on November 22, 2010
Editor's note: You can follow Vineet Nayar on twitter at @vineetnayar . I’ve often wondered about the book ‘Nice girls don’t make the corner office’ by Dr Lois P Frankel. The author cautions women that their careers could get sabotaged by “girlish behaviour” learned in childhood, such as working...
Blog by Vineet Nayar on November 12, 2010