It's time to reinvent management. You can help.


Replace the fundamental control relationship in the organization from ‘boss-subordinate’ to ‘mentor investor-intrapreneur team’, where mentor investors are modeled on the angel
Hack by Tory Gattis on May 20, 2010
When determining executive performance, traditional models of CEO compensation consider relatively short time frames.  This increases the likelihood that CEOs make strategic organizational decisi
Hack by Alex Edmans on April 11, 2012
The organization as we know it is changing rapidly. Right now, traditional hierarchical organizations are becoming more social, open, transparent, inclusive, diverse... the list can go on!
Hack by Stephen Remedios on December 5, 2013
Quitting email is the first step into a new dimension of communications energized by organic collaboration where we share leadership.
Hack by Kim Spinder on July 13, 2013
There is far too much pressure for a single leader to handle in these times of rapid change. If the job of leadership were to be shared, it might be easier and the leadership more effective.
Hack by Stephen Remedios on December 8, 2011
 Look, we have to find lots of ways to help our organizations  -- sometimes one person or one team at a time -- move toward the future.
Hack by Dan Oestreich on September 21, 2010
Managementas an occupation is adistraction to real leadership.  Think of the oneperson you have hadin your career that you admired most as a leader.
Hack by Aaron Anderson on June 22, 2011
Our basic leadership strategy today can be summarized in five words: “Do This, Don’t Do That.” And nearly every management innovation today is nothing but a variation of that fundamentally flawed stra
Hack by Aman Motwane on October 1, 2010
RRO (Resource Renewal Officer) responsible for creating a ready supply of confident, fearless managers.
Hack by William W. Keep on June 27, 2010
