It's time to reinvent management. You can help.


On weekdays when I am at home, and not travelling, I get up early, get connected to the rest of the organisation through mails and calls, do an hour of yoga, and then drive to the office, arriving there around 10:00 a.m. I usually work until 8:00 p.m. and then head home to my family. During the day...
Blog by Vineet Nayar on May 24, 2010
Everyone is struggling to identify a way to make innovation repeatable, sustainable. But, unfortunately most thought leaders make potentially useful innovation frameworks unnecessarily complex.
Hack by Braden Kelley on October 27, 2012
The best and the brightest of people are often the people who self-educate.
Hack by David Mason on July 20, 2010
This model presents a holistic approach to be a better person and professional, hire great people, create the best cultural fit and grow your skills.
Hack by Davide Casali on July 31, 2013
Just a few weeks ago Harvard Business Review and McKinsey & Co. opened the first leg of their 2012/13 M-Prize challenge: " Innovating Innovation ." The M-Prize's overall goal is to "surface the world's most progressive management practices and most provocative management ideas" and connect and celebrate individuals reinventing management. This particular challenge — where I'm serving as a judge — seeks "real-world case studies and bold ideas that demonstrate how every element of a company's management model can be retooled to make it innovation-friendly."
Blog by Scott Anthony on November 30, 2012
Recession disallowed growth in certain industries. This saw a learning stagnation for years not enabling a role enhancement, especially in the knowledge based industry.
Barrier by Radhakrishnan NR on November 30, 2010
To address the urgent challenge of impatient capital and epidemic myopic short-termism, we propose a new paradigm: Soft Tenure.Soft-tenure is an innovative management paradig
Developing  a new model of thought that best motivates people in order to create, innovate, and maximize efficiency.
Hack by Frank Vuong on March 31, 2014
One of the biggest advantages of the 21st century is the rapid development of technology.
Story by Mike T Deane on March 27, 2019