It's time to reinvent management. You can help.


Imagine for a minute you are a member of the senior management team of a 5000-person, global organization. Your CEO has asked you and the entire senior management team to participate in an emergency week-long retreat. He doesn't reveal the purpose of the meeting ahead of time, but as he kicks off...
Blog by Chris Grams on January 27, 2011
A global experiment in crowd-sourcing that tests the power of the masses versus established ways of doing things.
Hack by Craig Churchill on January 23, 2013
This Hack attempts to showcase the power of immediate feedback in organizations that want to develop top talent and keep individuals engaged for the long term.
Hack by Elkanah Carnell Reed on January 5, 2013
The number of people engaged in innovation is limited. They usually present a minority.
Hack by Martin Kvapilik on December 5, 2012
Companies are looking actively for innovation management tools. Lets give them a tool which challenges the status quo and sets the culture which makes innovation happen.
Hack by Sachin Kundu on October 26, 2012
