A global experiment in crowd-sourcing that tests the power of the masses versus established ways of doing things. Let's really shake things up by creating a company that is completely at the mercy of the masses and all of it’s core decisions were made by majority rule voting instead of by an established management team.
- Can we drive higher revenue, higher margins, greater innovation and improved customer satisfaction through a new organizational construct that puts the power of the crowd to the test?
- Let's really innovate and set-up a 'right-angle' experiment that tests the art of the possible of a truly democratized company.
- Traditional organizational models are undergoing radical transformation and crowdsourcing as a means of leveraged inovation are becoming more prevalent. But let's challenge the status quo further and see if we can accelerate a new model that tests this theory to the max!
I’d like to explore a new idea with you that I think could be really quite interesting and, if you are generally supportive, could result in the foundations of a global experiment in crowd-sourcing that you all take part in.
I was thinking recently on the topic of how to demonstrate and test the power of the masses versus established ways of doing things and I hit upon the notion of the ‘Citizen CEO’.
What I mean by this is what would happen if we created a company that was completely at the mercy of the masses? In other words all of it’s core decisions were made by majority rule voting instead of by an established management team. In effect, we turn all business operational decisions over to you… the citizens, the consumers, the prosumers, the partners; to see how and where you chart this ship.
To make this even more fun we could even pit the citizen CEO business against a traditionally run business, either existing or created as a competitor for the purposes of the experiment. We could also film the proceedings which could then be shown via a weekly YouTube broadcast.
With a period of 6 months as the time-line for the experiment, the teams could then be judged on traditional metrics like revenue, margin, customer satisfaction etc and/or other relevant ones depending upon the type of business that gets decided as the proving ground.
Anyway, I think you get the idea…
Let me know your thoughts and perhaps we can make a case for this to be a featured experiment on Mix!
- The experiment will yield some very interesting insight beyond what we know today.
- While it 'may' be completely impractical to put the destiny of a company at the mercy of the masses, this experiement may point the way to a future state organizational model where traditional management and organizational models are shown to be outdated.
- This could provide a beacon to future models that companies can experiment with rather than transform their businesses today without any practical research in place.
This is in essence what I am proposing here. Let's set up an experiment with the support of Mix.
Craig Churchill

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