It's time to reinvent management. You can help.

Reinvent the means of control

“We need control systems that shape rather than stifle human contribution.”

Traditional control systems ensure high levels of compliance but do so at the expense of employee creativity, entrepreneurship, and engagement. To overcome the discipline-versus-innovation trade-off, tomorrow’s control systems will need to rely more on peer review and less on top-down supervision. They must leverage the power of shared values and aspirations while loosening the straitjacket of rules and strictures. The goal: organizations filled with people whose motivation and discipline comes from within.

61 Stories
205 Hacks
11 Barriers

Reinvent the means of control

“We need control systems that shape rather than stifle human contribution.”

Traditional control systems ensure high levels of compliance but do so at the expense of employee creativity, entrepreneurship, and engagement. To overcome the discipline-versus-innovation trade-off, tomorrow’s control systems will need to rely more on peer review and less on top-down supervision. They must leverage the power of shared values and aspirations while loosening the straitjacket of rules and strictures. The goal: organizations filled with people whose motivation and discipline comes from within.

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Keepitposted™ is a young multidisciplinary startup; using a ‘Holistic Approach’ to finding core components of the greater problems within our current economic environment.
Story by Raul ML Louren on April 30, 2012
Co-Authored By Thys de Beer
A global experiment in crowd-sourcing that tests the power of the masses versus established ways of doing things.
Hack by Craig Churchill on January 23, 2013
Not new, but simple, cost-effective, underutilized.  Spans industries, levels of work, sectors.  Think "sandbox" (nod to former mentor): Within clear constraints of quality, quantity, time,
Hack by Mary Ann Lesperance on December 4, 2013
Telecommuting is an aspect of the new workforce that all managers should pay attention to closely. this covers why millennials like it and what it means for the job industries. 
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Implement a revolutionary, transparent corporate environment that: (1) allows meritocracy to assert its proper influence on the decision-making process; (2) eradicates the power of brow
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Let organisations come up with a plan to out-source management so that use of self-management teams can be increased. This will lead to higher return on investments for owners of the business.
Hack by Lewis Banda on December 15, 2011
A positive future vision where we can welcome 9 billion people to a planet with a flourishing economy and environment.Utilising recognised market mechanisms, our ‘infinite economy’ hack recalibrates p
Hack by Joss Tantram on May 10, 2012
When participating in meetings, have each of the participants take on a role other than their own - usually as a representative of a part of the organization that is not represented.
Hack by Jason Bernstein on August 28, 2010
Set clear objectives to foster trust and sense of ownership therefore incentivizing managers to act as business owners, hence maximizing value creation
Hack by Albert Canela on December 9, 2010
Imagine you're a manager, ok, so far so good. You come into work and today you finally need to address a poor performer in your group.
Hack by Sean Schofield on May 31, 2011
