It's time to reinvent management. You can help.

Redefine the work of leadership

“There is a need to move beyond the heroic model of leadership—because most leaders aren’t, in fact, very heroic.”

The era of the all-wise, all-powerful leader-as-decisionmaker is over. Leaders must become savvy social architects—individuals who are capable of building environments that engender extraordinary accomplishment. To make this transition from “command and control” to “motivate and mentor,” organizations need to develop leaders who are capable of building commitment and alignment without resorting to the traditional tools of bureaucratic control. The goal: an organization filled with leaders who lift everyone up.

117 Stories
196 Hacks
9 Barriers

Redefine the work of leadership

“There is a need to move beyond the heroic model of leadership—because most leaders aren’t, in fact, very heroic.”

The era of the all-wise, all-powerful leader-as-decisionmaker is over. Leaders must become savvy social architects—individuals who are capable of building environments that engender extraordinary accomplishment. To make this transition from “command and control” to “motivate and mentor,” organizations need to develop leaders who are capable of building commitment and alignment without resorting to the traditional tools of bureaucratic control. The goal: an organization filled with leaders who lift everyone up.

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Create a networked community connecting present and ex-consultants that 1) promotes sharing of solutions and problems2) identifies resources availability for projects
Hack by Bernard Tan on July 13, 2011
One of the challenges of faculty work is that, while there arelarge number of great faculty members out there, access to these facultymembers is limited to physical presence in the classroom; until no
Hack by Aaron Anderson on June 4, 2010
Some say with relief that the old economy’s gone. Other’s say that new markets may never emerge.
Hack by Ellen Weber on September 4, 2011
We the people, of your nameless, faceless organization, in order to form a more perfect union, do ordain and establish this Hack for reinventing how leaders are promoted.
Hack by David Burkus on October 9, 2010
Repeated instances of corporate and institutional neglect should evoke better attentiveness toward a reconsideration of authentic responsibility.
Hack by John Roth on September 30, 2016
The most successful companies have a higher purpose beyond profit and shareholder value. Yet many companies are adrift, without knowing why they exist. So how does a company find its purpose?
Hack by Tom Nixon on September 1, 2013
Will reinventing management so that it is Web 2.0, Enterprise 2.0 and Gov 2.0 'friendly' give us Management 2.0 Looking at the various 2.0s through the lens of engagement across boundaries&nbs
Hack by steve davies on July 16, 2011
This hack proposes to create leadership/management teams in which power, tasks and responsibilities are not distributed across people on the same hierarchical level, but are held by a team representin
Hack by Zoltan Csigas on July 17, 2011
Increasing innovation and productivity requires finding the organizational sweet spot and expanding it.
Hack by Charles Ehin on November 30, 2011
