It's time to reinvent management. You can help.

Expand the scope of employee autonomy

“Companies must radically reduce the number of permissions that are required to start something new.”

Too many people in organizations feel powerless to initiate change. Rigid policy guidelines, tight spending limits, and a lack of self-directed time limit individual autonomy and undermine the organization’s capacity to renew itself. Companies must redesign management systems so they facilitate local experimentation and bottom-up initiatives.

54 Stories
98 Hacks
3 Barriers

Expand the scope of employee autonomy

“Companies must radically reduce the number of permissions that are required to start something new.”

Too many people in organizations feel powerless to initiate change. Rigid policy guidelines, tight spending limits, and a lack of self-directed time limit individual autonomy and undermine the organization’s capacity to renew itself. Companies must redesign management systems so they facilitate local experimentation and bottom-up initiatives.

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Telecommuting is an aspect of the new workforce that all managers should pay attention to closely. this covers why millennials like it and what it means for the job industries. 
Story by Samantha Hager on April 19, 2017
How often did I hear managers tell me that the way they had to behave did not reflect who they were any longer, their behaviour was dictated by the system they were in, it was coming from the top down
Hack by Olivier Lavergne on December 1, 2010
It is well known that empowering employees can boost morale, engagement and productivity, but surprisingly few organisations are genuinely strategic in taking such an approach.
Story by Vlatka Hlupic on January 19, 2011
Many workforce professionals say the biggest threat to talent retention today is the gig economy, not other competing employers.
Story by Andre Lavoie on November 8, 2017
Democratise management and facilitate input from thousands of points of contact with the external environment (all employees) into  strategy and business develop
Hack by Mike Parker on August 23, 2010
Knowledge workers cannot be motivated by bribing them, but have to be turned from employees to real partners.
Story by Michael HIRT on June 5, 2011
In our organization a good portion of customer orders are customized. These customizations require people to think and engineer a solution to what they think the customer desires.
Story by Mark Bublitz on December 17, 2013
This hack looks at how some of the unique attributes commonly found in “techie” type people working within high-technology organisations present additional challenges for leadership development.
Hack by Grant McIvor on September 20, 2011
Human Capital is source of Agility and an important resource to gain competitive advantage for any organization.
Hack by Sasidhar Ravinuthala on January 20, 2011
I'm a genius enthusiast with a vision to unleash 7 billion geniuses to co-create a genius planet.  Within that vision, I'm hosting a webinar series in Nov./Dec.
Story by Soleira Green on November 16, 2013
