It's time to reinvent management. You can help.

Develop holistic performance measures

“We need new measurement systems that capture the things that really create value.”

A shortlist of the limitations of traditional measurement systems:

(1) they’re lopsided, in that they overweight the achievement of certain outcomes (e.g. short-term earnings), while under-weighting the achievement of others (e.g. building new growth platforms);

(2) they take insufficient account of critical externalities (e.g. the environmental and social costs of corporate policies);

(3) they give inadequate attention to the things that drive success in the “creative economy,” (e.g., the value of customer-authored innovation).

Organizations will need to create holistic measurement systems that capture the many, interrelated variables that drive success.

34 Stories
88 Hacks
4 Barriers

Develop holistic performance measures

“We need new measurement systems that capture the things that really create value.”

A shortlist of the limitations of traditional measurement systems:

(1) they’re lopsided, in that they overweight the achievement of certain outcomes (e.g. short-term earnings), while under-weighting the achievement of others (e.g. building new growth platforms);

(2) they take insufficient account of critical externalities (e.g. the environmental and social costs of corporate policies);

(3) they give inadequate attention to the things that drive success in the “creative economy,” (e.g., the value of customer-authored innovation).

Organizations will need to create holistic measurement systems that capture the many, interrelated variables that drive success.

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Cost Accounting chokes business by focusing on parts rather than the relationship between parts. As the primary feedback mechanism for business and organizations it leads to bad decisions.
Hack by Dan Strongin on March 19, 2011
When we rate in status quo hierarchies - (What's best and what's worse?) we pretend one whole is superior to another and before seeing novel possibilities of either, we stack
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Lead colleagues within an organisation to want to help each other so your organisation has the flexibility to cope with fluctuations in workload
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 Most of us ACT with a hidden agenda of will it look good i.e. how others will perceive me. This is true in any given situation whether its work or at home. Is it really good...I don’t know.
Hack by NAVEEN KHAJANCHI on June 18, 2013
Replace performance management with a system of feedback loops that simultaneously empowers and inspires employees to be their absolute best.
Hack by Ben Biddle on October 22, 2012
Co-Authored By Rajal Sood
A supervisor in a central dispatch center is a different kind of first line management.I was given the Dispatch Supervisor job when our control center opened for our division.
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There's a limit to Web 2.0 that shows up in all of its uses, including the M Prize process: it doesnt really produce effective new management systems that will work, just islands of good practice and
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The Vice President of the division told me a decision was made that I was not going any higher in the management of our company.
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