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Develop holistic performance measures

“We need new measurement systems that capture the things that really create value.”

A shortlist of the limitations of traditional measurement systems:

(1) they’re lopsided, in that they overweight the achievement of certain outcomes (e.g. short-term earnings), while under-weighting the achievement of others (e.g. building new growth platforms);

(2) they take insufficient account of critical externalities (e.g. the environmental and social costs of corporate policies);

(3) they give inadequate attention to the things that drive success in the “creative economy,” (e.g., the value of customer-authored innovation).

Organizations will need to create holistic measurement systems that capture the many, interrelated variables that drive success.

34 Stories
88 Hacks
4 Barriers

Develop holistic performance measures

“We need new measurement systems that capture the things that really create value.”

A shortlist of the limitations of traditional measurement systems:

(1) they’re lopsided, in that they overweight the achievement of certain outcomes (e.g. short-term earnings), while under-weighting the achievement of others (e.g. building new growth platforms);

(2) they take insufficient account of critical externalities (e.g. the environmental and social costs of corporate policies);

(3) they give inadequate attention to the things that drive success in the “creative economy,” (e.g., the value of customer-authored innovation).

Organizations will need to create holistic measurement systems that capture the many, interrelated variables that drive success.

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It takes some time to realize what type of manager I wanted to be. This story is how I came to realize this fact. Also, how I realized a corporate suite was not for me.
Story by Jim McGriff, Jr. on September 6, 2015
Individual development assessment is either a twice a year or once a year event. Many managers does not fully grasp the right way to assess and develop employees.
Hack by Simon Ng on August 18, 2010
The Industrial Age was primarily rules-based leading to procedures. The Information Age is primarily principles-based leading to creativity and innovation.
Hack by George Kobak on February 23, 2015
Start from a resource based view [tangible and intangible assets (inclusing intellectual capital, intangible power/potential and subjective needs] and introduce a vector based value metric that enable
Hack by Peter Bretscher on March 30, 2014
Processes, procedures and comportments have to proof their value to the business.Formality may have its benefits, but they have to be made explicit and the value has to be bullet proof.
Hack by Erwin Pfuhler on July 29, 2014
A harmonious workplace is critical in today’s work place .A First Line Manager must be a keen observer of behavior in their department.
Story by Jim McGriff, Jr. on October 22, 2016
The environment continues to degrade as a result of industrial activity despite various attempts to change the behaviour of organisations.
The suceess of any organisation depends on the TEAM .
Hack by NAVEEN KHAJANCHI on April 12, 2013
