It's time to reinvent management. You can help.


Whirlpool Corporation recently added the “bow” to the rock-solid and deeply embedded Double Diamond process which focuses on discovery and development of new opportunities in the front end.
Story by Moisés Noreña on August 7, 2011
So, you've decided that experimentation is the path to innovation.
Hack by Laura Cerruti on September 18, 2010

We are our own worst enemies when it comes to the emotional labor of doing great work, says MIX Maverick Seth Godin. He offers up powerful wisdom on how to overcome all of your excuses and get in the habit of starting the right things--and shipping everything you start.

We all know that big, established companies struggle to respond to "disruptive" change. Blockbuster, HMV, Nokia, and Yahoo! are all current examples of companies that are struggling with this problem--they are trying to adapt, but are being held back by powerful and often invisible inertial forces...
Blog by Julian Birkinshaw on July 26, 2011
In Parts 1-3, I recounted the Pull Replenishment saga of how a small team started a bottom-up movement that generated millions of dollars in profit, improved shipping performance to the customer, and
Story by David Choe on June 17, 2011
Innovation can happen by chance, without a determined effort or specific methodology. But when it does, it's more like luck than strategic progress. While there is a role for serendipity in strategy – being able to take advantage of pleasant surprises -- too often, that's the only way companies approach innovation: with fingers crossed.
Blog by Jim Stikeleather on February 9, 2012
What would it look like if the rapidly-evolving social world of Web 2.0 collided with the sterile and static corporate Intranet? What would happen if information flowed from the outside in, instead of inside out? Those are the questions at the heart of an interesting experiment unfolding at global...
Blog by Julian Birkinshaw on June 29, 2011
Our big goal here at the MIX is to inspire and unleash as much collective aspiration, audacity, imagination, energy, and passion as possible when it comes to making all of our organizations fit for the future--and fit for human beings. We've said it before: so much is broken when it comes to how...
Blog by Polly LaBarre on January 25, 2012
