The Living Intelligence System (LIS) is an alpha project within the United States Intelligence Community (IC) aimed at transforming the vertical agency-proprietary reporting and analysis process (fini
Proposing a radical -- root-replacing -- potentially enduring transformation of business by embracing Web 2.0 people-respecting values and tools and harvesting their benefits
Your business needs to catch up and bring social media measures into the workplace to identify and reward contributors and thought leaders in a dynamic, democratic and systemised way.
Line up five people and whisper in succession a complex set of instructions. What the fifth person hears and does will have little resemblance to what the first person intended. is a great collection of corporate mission statements. I recently used its search function to find examples of companies that prominently and publicly state something close to "people are our most important asset." Here's a partial list: Nestlé, Procter & Gamble, Land...
It's not often you get to start a new job that hasn't been done before. In January 2013, I set about building my new role as our College's very first Director of Strategic Organizational Initiat
Dell's marketing and communications organizations rely more and more on social media and community (SMaC), with some people blogging on internal or external sites, others developing community-focused