It's time to reinvent management. You can help.


In her post earlier today, Polly LaBarre introduced my new role as the MIX Community Guide . One of my first tasks? I’ll be leading the Hackathon Pilot, an experiment in open collaboration we hope will help shape the future of the MIX and lead to genuine progress when it comes to crafting the “...
Blog by Chris Grams on March 10, 2011
The white coat of a physician signifies a 19th century model of leadership: authoritative, unchallenged, above and beyond the ordinary. This is not who today's physicians are.
Hack by Sonja Dieterich on July 18, 2011
The Connected Intelligence Operating System formally elevates employees Knowledge, Decisions and Insights to essential work products. 1.
Hack by Vasu Srinivasan on June 24, 2011
HCL Technologies overhauled its annual business planning process, turning it into an opportunity for a) grooming future leaders, b) pushing the envelope of organizational transparency, and c) leveragi
Story by Shubhi Mittal on October 30, 2013
What would it look like if the rapidly-evolving social world of Web 2.0 collided with the sterile and static corporate Intranet? What would happen if information flowed from the outside in, instead of inside out? Those are the questions at the heart of an interesting experiment unfolding at global...
Blog by Julian Birkinshaw on June 29, 2011
Design and implment a collaborative technology that helps you get the work done - that moves the portfolio of change projects forward ina social colaborative way!
Hack by Geoff Carss on November 7, 2011
